Scan Bulk Data API
At a high level, participant nodes provide two separate endpoints through a Ledger API:
An endpoint to submit commands to the ledger that allow an application to submit transactions and change state, by creating, exercising or archiving contracts.
An endpoint that provides a stream of transactions and corresponding events — which are called updates for short — from the ledger that indicate all state changes that have taken place on the ledger as seen by the parties hosted on the participant node.
The state at a given point in time is the set of contracts that were active at that time. This ACS (Active Contract Set) can be reconstructed by applying all updates up to the given time.
The Scan App connects to the Canton Participant of its SV node and makes this data available through the Bulk Data Scan API. It provides the following streams of low-level data:
A stream to the history of updates
A stream of ACS snapshots that are periodically taken
The Scan App ingests new updates as they occur on the ledger, and also back-fills updates from other SVs that have occurred before the SV joined the network, so it can serve data from the network’s genesis. This update history contains data from the beginning of the network, which is distributed amongst SVs in BFT fashion by the Scan Apps. Once the update history of a Scan App is complete, ACS snapshots are periodically created from the update history. The Scan App continues to periodically add new ACS snapshots. This makes it possible for every Scan App hosted by every SV to provide all update history and ACS snapshots from the network’s genesis, in a decentralized and consistent manner.
The Bulk Data Scan API provides access to the update history and ACS snapshots as they were recorded. Since the API exposes the underlying Daml transactions directly, there are a couple of concerns to keep in mind:
The API does not hide or abstract any detail in the data, it provides the raw events as they occurred. This means that you get direct access to all information in the transactions, and you need to familiarize yourself with the Daml code that underlies these events. Please see Reference Documentation for a refresher on how the Ledger changes through actions grouped in transactions, and how UTXO contract states are created, spent (exercised) and archived in general. We’ll discuss the specifics of the Daml models in more detail in the Scan TxLog Script section.
The events need to be parsed in a flexible manner. Choices and optional fields can be added over time, and new templates and data types can be introduced. A parser should be able to ignore these kinds of changes, and not fail when they occur. This means that parsing logic should be selective, and not fail when unknown fields or templates are encountered. Please see Daml upgrades for more information. The rules for Daml upgrades align well with a relaxed, intuitive approach to JSON parsing, e.g. not asserting absence of unexpected fields and not assuming key-presence for optional fields.
Please see Ledger Structure on how actions are executed in transactions to change the ledger, creating contracts and exercising choices, which gets described further in Transform Data Using Choices.
Open API Specification
Please see the Scan Open API specification. Look for APIs starting with /v1/updates/ and /v0/state/, respectively for updates and ACS snapshots.
Example URLs for accessing the Scan Bulk Data API are:
Please note the api/scan prefix in the URLs, which is the base path for the Scan API.
An update can be one of two things:
A transaction, which is a tree of events, where an event either creates a contract or exercises a choice on a contract. Exercises can have child events, which results in a tree structure.
A reassignment, which assigns the processing of an active contract state (UTXOs) to another synchronizer, as part of a Splice network app’s multi-synchronizer workflow or a rolling upgrade. They will begin to appear in the update stream as the global synchronizer introduces rolling upgrades later in 2025 or early 2026; for this reason we’ll omit further details for now, you can safely ignore reassignments and only handle transactions.
provides a JSON encoded version of the recorded update history. Once you have an update_id
for a specific update, you can retrieve the details by using
The Open API spec for /v1/updates and /v1/updates/{update_id} describe the APIs in detail.
POST /v1/updates
Post a paged UpdateHistoryRequestV1
request to get all updates up to page_size
, optionally specifying an after
object with after_migration_id
and after_record_time
(for the beginning of the network you can omit the after
An example of a UpdateHistoryRequestV1
request body is shown below, getting a page of max 10 updates from the beginning of the network:
"page_size": 10
Another example of a UpdateHistoryRequestV1
request body is shown below, getting a page of max 10 updates after the specified record time:
"page_size": 10,
"after": {
"after_migration_id": 0,
"after_record_time": "2024-09-20T13:31:28.405180Z"
Take the migration_id
and the record_time
from the last update in the response of the previous successful request and use this
in a subsequent request in the after
object, to read the next page. Once you receive less updates than the requested page_size
, you have reached the end of the stream.
The response returns a list of transactions. Every transaction contains the following fields:
migration_id : This ID increments with every hard synchronizer migration. A hard synchronizer migration is performed for every significant Canton version upgrade. The current migration ID can be inquired from an SV, or by using the
API at, which returns amigrationId
per sequencer.synchronizer_id: The instance ID of a Synchronizer (for example the ID of the Global Synchronizer). When contract assignments migrate, they become unavailable for processing via the old instance of the synchronizer and become available via the new instance of the synchronizer. Every contract is associated with a
, which represents the (set of) synchronizer(s) it has been sequenced on.update_id: Uniquely identifies an update (globally unique across networks and synchronizers).
record_time: The time at which the update was sequenced. Within a given migration and synchronizer, the record time of updates is strictly monotonically increasing (and thus unique). The update history is mainly traversed by
, andrecord_time
.root_event_ids: These represent the top level events of the update tree that are directly caused by commands submitted to the ledger. They are the starting points for all actions within the transaction, and need to be read in the order given. To traverse the update tree, start with the
in order, get event by ID fromevents_by_id
, traverse events in preorder, processchild_event_ids
recursively. Note: event ids are stored as a string of the format<update_id>:<event_index>
. The event index is assigned locally by the participant, and different participants might assign different indices to the same event. For this reason, the scan app creates common, deterministically computed event indices across all synchronizer nodes when returning events through the scan API.events_by_id: This object contains all events in the transaction update tree, indexed by their event ID.
An example list of transactions response for the beginning of the network is shown below:
"transactions": [
"update_id": "1220e04f50c4b00024dd3a225611ad96441abd854e461c144b872c0eedac1dc784c7",
"migration_id": 0,
"workflow_id": "",
"record_time": "2024-09-20T13:31:28.405180Z",
"synchronizer_id": "global-domain::122084177677350389dd0710d6516f700a33fe348c5f2702dffef6d36e1dedcbfc17",
"effective_at": "2024-09-20T13:31:29.552807Z",
"offset": "000000000000000001",
"root_event_ids": [
"events_by_id": {
"..." : "events omitted for brevity"
The events_by_id
object contains created and exercised events.
We’ll now go through a couple of example events to highlight the most important fields to process.
Exercised Event
An exercised event has the following important fields:
template_id: The template ID uniquely identifies the Daml template.
contract_id: The contract ID uniquely identifies the contract.
choice: The name of the choice exercised on the contract
choice_argument: The choice argument, encoded in JSON
exercise_result: The result of the exercise, encoded in JSON
child_event_ids: These represent events that were directly caused by the given exercised event. These event IDs have to be read in the order given. Get event by ID from
, traverse events in preorder (process them recursively).consuming: A boolean indicating whether the contract is archived by the exercise. If true, the contract is archived. This is important if you want to track the ACS.
See the ExercisedEvent protobuf message definition for a complete description of the event.
An example of an exercised event in the events_by_id
object is shown below:
"1220e04f50c4b00024dd3a225611ad96441abd854e461c144b872c0eedac1dc784c7:4": {
"event_type": "exercised_event",
"event_id": "1220e04f50c4b00024dd3a225611ad96441abd854e461c144b872c0eedac1dc784c7:4",
"contract_id": "0036a147673cc66b5e7d27811084897d6eaf1807c2bc024b9c7c9359dbfb25c790ca101220bf3bfb7315fe33fc0bafa88087a8af6794674f2a02a4690ef2897325efd9e973",
"template_id": "a36ef8888fb44caae13d96341ce1fabd84fc9e2e7b209bbc3caabb48b6be1668:Splice.AmuletRules:AmuletRules",
"package_name": "splice-amulet",
"choice": "AmuletRules_Bootstrap_Rounds",
"choice_argument": {
"amuletPrice": "0.0050000000",
"round0Duration": {
"microseconds": "97200000000"
"child_event_ids": [
"exercise_result": {
"openMiningRoundCid": "004eba336d6bbaed0e866e2dd11351fc989b1043b09c34ce3ac16fe08ff9fc1cfaca101220e8339d816712ba0294cdce13216494bb50dd1070be12ede312133003e0f1252d"
"consuming": false,
"acting_parties": [
"interface_id": null
This example exercised event shows a choice that is exercised on a contract of the AmuletRules
template (See Splice.AmuletRules).
The choice is AmuletRules_Bootstrap_Rounds
and the choice argument contains the amuletPrice
and round0Duration
which are the price and duration of round zero.
The exercise result contains the openMiningRoundCid
field, which is the contract ID of the open mining round that is bootstrapped at the beginning of the network.
The child_event_ids
shows the events that were directly caused by this exercised event.
Created Event
Let’s have a look at the last child event ID 1220e04f50c4b00024dd3a225611ad96441abd854e461c144b872c0eedac1dc784c7:7
in the events_by_id
object from the previous section, which is shown below:
"1220e04f50c4b00024dd3a225611ad96441abd854e461c144b872c0eedac1dc784c7:7": {
"event_type": "created_event",
"event_id": "1220e04f50c4b00024dd3a225611ad96441abd854e461c144b872c0eedac1dc784c7:7",
"contract_id": "004eba336d6bbaed0e866e2dd11351fc989b1043b09c34ce3ac16fe08ff9fc1cfaca101220e8339d816712ba0294cdce13216494bb50dd1070be12ede312133003e0f1252d",
"template_id": "a36ef8888fb44caae13d96341ce1fabd84fc9e2e7b209bbc3caabb48b6be1668:Splice.Round:OpenMiningRound",
"package_name": "splice-amulet",
"create_arguments": {
"dso": "DSO::122084177677350389dd0710d6516f700a33fe348c5f2702dffef6d36e1dedcbfc17",
"round": {
"number": "2"
"amuletPrice": "0.0050000000",
"opensAt": "2024-09-21T16:31:29.552807Z",
"targetClosesAt": "2024-09-21T16:51:29.552807Z",
"issuingFor": {
"microseconds": "1200000000"
"transferConfigUsd": {
"createFee": {
"fee": "0.0300000000"
"holdingFee": {
"rate": "0.0000190259"
"transferFee": {
"initialRate": "0.0100000000",
"steps": [
"_1": "100.0000000000",
"_2": "0.0010000000"
"_1": "1000.0000000000",
"_2": "0.0001000000"
"_1": "1000000.0000000000",
"_2": "0.0000100000"
"lockHolderFee": {
"fee": "0.0050000000"
"extraFeaturedAppRewardAmount": "1.0000000000",
"maxNumInputs": "100",
"maxNumOutputs": "100",
"maxNumLockHolders": "50"
"issuanceConfig": {
"amuletToIssuePerYear": "40000000000.0000000000",
"validatorRewardPercentage": "0.0500000000",
"appRewardPercentage": "0.1500000000",
"validatorRewardCap": "0.2000000000",
"featuredAppRewardCap": "100.0000000000",
"unfeaturedAppRewardCap": "0.6000000000",
"optValidatorFaucetCap": "2.8500000000"
"tickDuration": {
"microseconds": "600000000"
"created_at": "2024-09-20T13:31:29.552807Z",
"signatories": [
"observers": []
The example child event ID points to a created_event
, which creates a contract of the OpenMiningRound
A created event has the following important fields:
template_id: The template ID uniquely identifies the Daml template.
contract_id: The contract ID uniquely identifies the contract.
create_arguments: The arguments used to create the contract, encoded in JSON
See the CreatedEvent protobuf message definition for a complete description of the event.
In this case the create_arguments
contains the fields that are used to create the contract, such as the round number, the price of the Amulet,
the time the round opens and closes, and the configuration for Amulet transfers and issuance.
See Splice.Round for more information about the Splice.Round:OpenMiningRound
We can also note that in this case the contract_id
of the created_event
is the same as the openMiningRoundCid
in the exercise result of the previous event.
In general, processing the updates involves the following steps:
Traverse the update tree, starting with the root event IDs, and then process the child event IDs in preorder,
Selectively parse the events as they are encountered, based on template IDs and the structure of the contracts that you can expect, which you can map against the template definitions in Daml source code and the Daml API documentation of templates, choices and data types.
Accumulate state changes, such as:
Keep track of contract ids and their state
Keep track of Canton Coin balances and activity records
Keep track of mining rounds and their configuration
Keep track of governance decisions
And ensure that parsing does not break when new fields or templates are introduced.
ACS Snapshots
The Open API spec for /v0/state/acs/snapshot-timestamp and /v0/state/acs describes the APIs in detail.
The ACS snapshots are periodically taken and stored in the Scan App. This endpoint only provides the snapshots that have been periodically taken. You can compute the state at any point in time by starting from a periodic snapshot and then stream updates from the timestamp of that snapshot. We’ll discuss this in more detail in the Scan TxLog Script section.
GET /v0/state/acs/snapshot-timestamp
The /v0/state/acs/snapshot-timestamp
endpoint returns the timestamp of the most recent snapshot before the given date,
for the given migration_id
. Specify migration_id = 0
for the beginning of the network.
The returned timestamp corresponds to the record time of the last transaction in the snapshot.
An example request to get the timestamp of the most recent snapshot before a given date is shown below:
The response returns the timestamp of the most recent snapshot before the given date:
"record_time" : "2025-02-11T18:00:00Z"
POST /v0/state/acs
The /v0/state/acs
endpoint returns the ACS in creation date ascending order, paged, for a given migration id and record time.
Post an AcsRequest
with a migration_id
, record_time
and page_size
to get a page of contracts.
An optional templates
field filters the ACS by a set of template_id
An example request body of type AcsRequest
to get a page of ACS snapshots is shown below:
"migration_id": 4,
"record_time": "2025-02-11T18:00:00Z",
"page_size": 10
The response is of type AcsResponse
which is a list of CreatedEvent
s along with a next_page_token
which can be used to request a subsequent page.
When there are no more pages, the next_page_token
is empty.
An example response is shown below:
"record_time": "2025-02-11T18:00:00Z",
"migration_id": 4,
"created_events": [
"event_type": "created_event",
"event_id": "#122098355fd6741a763f23fa0b7758d2a59cfce54aef07808ef42d366bdd6296db2d:0",
"contract_id": "001c9216c7194bb6180968abdae59b1718a44857b005613cb47cdbc4a459b3a4caca10122019fd0561c858eac85e7e3374ec8cb27ee6f410f9260d4f89c7a3a398a1d2a37f",
"template_id": "053c7f4c2a77312e7d465a4fa7dc8cb298754ad12c0c987a7c401bd724e65efc:Splice.Ans:AnsRules",
"package_name": "splice-amulet-name-service",
"create_arguments": {
"dso": "DSO::122084177677350389dd0710d6516f700a33fe348c5f2702dffef6d36e1dedcbfc17",
"config": {
"renewalDuration": {
"microseconds": "2592000000000"
"entryLifetime": {
"microseconds": "7776000000000"
"entryFee": "1.0000000000",
"descriptionPrefix": "CNS entry: "
"created_at": "2024-09-20T13:31:29.552807Z",
"signatories": [
"observers": []
"..." : "more created events, omitted for brevity"
"next_page_token": 61329223
The created_events
object contains the created events in the ACS snapshot.
A created_event
is encoded exactly as explained in Created Event.
Scan TxLog Script
To help with understanding the raw Canton Network events, the Python script functions as a comprehensive example of how to interact with the Scan API to read and process update history and ACS snapshots.
Note: The python script is intended as a reference for understanding the transactions and their structure. Production-ready implementations may need to take additional points into consideration like not keeping the full ACS in memory or certain indices to speed up queries.
The script is centered around Canton Coin balances and tracks all contracts involved in Canton Coin transfers. Please also see the Canton Coin whitepaper for more information.
The next sections describe an overview of its functionality and usage.
The script performs the following key tasks:
Connects to the Scan API to fetch update history and ACS snapshots.
Processes transactions to interpret and handle various events such as contract creation, exercise, and archival.
Generates reports based on the processed data, which can be output to a CSV file.
Maintains state across multiple runs by saving and restoring application state from a cache file.
To use the script, you need to provide the URL of the Scan App and other optional parameters such as log level, cache file path, and report output file. The script can be run from the command line with the appropriate arguments. Example command:
python3 --verbose --cache-file-path cache.json --report-output report.csv --log-file-path scan_tx.log
Execute python3 --help
for a list of all available options.
Let’s have a look at the key components of the script in the next section.
Key Components
ScanClient: This class handles the communication with the Scan API. It includes methods to fetch updates and ACS snapshots.
State: This class represents the state of the system at a given point in time. It includes methods to handle transactions and update the state accordingly.
TransactionTree: This class represents a transaction and its associated events. It includes methods to parse and interpret the transaction data.
LfValue: This class provides utility methods to extract specific fields from the transaction data.
Processing Overview
The script fetches updates and processes them to maintain an up-to-date view of the state of the Canton Network focused on Canton Coin balances and tracks all contracts involved in Canton Coin transfers.
Please see the Daml API for the templates, choices and data types that you will need to familiarize yourself with for parsing the events returned by the updates and snapshots APIs, especially the modules listed below:
Module |
Description |
The contracts representing the long-term state of Splice. |
The rules governing how Amulet users can modify the Amulet state. |
The contracts representing mining rounds. |
DSO governance, including decisions regarding amulet, activity records, and rounds. |
Fetching Updates: The
method fetches updates from the server.Processing Updates: The
method processes each transaction, updating the state and handling various events.
The script filters and parses transaction events for a set of templates specified in the TemplateQualifiedNames
which are involved in canton coin transfers.
Another potential useful filter that could be of interest is one that focuses on governance operations, which is left as an exercise to the reader after thoroughly analyzing the script.
The script maintains a state that contains the following information:
The ACS at the most recently processed
.A CSV report of Canton Coin balances and activity records.
Totals of minted and burnt Canton Coins.
It also logs summaries of the processed transactions to a log file.
Most notably it logs the amulets and activity records per party, keyed by the owner of amulets and activity records.
Please see the PerPartyState
class for more details on what is reported per party.
It also logs the total minted and burnt Canton Coins at the end of each round.
The script also maintains a cache file to store the state across multiple runs, allowing it to resume processing from the last known state.
The script can fetch ACS snapshots to compare with the current state or to initialize the state (when the --compare-acs-with-snapshot <snapshot_time>
argument is used).
Fetching ACS Snapshots: The
method fetches ACS snapshots from the server.Comparing ACS Snapshots: The script can compare the fetched ACS snapshot with the current state to ensure consistency.
when the --compare-acs-with-snapshot <snapshot_time>
argument is used, the script will get the ACS snapshot
for the given snapshot_time
and compare it to the state that has been built up in the active_contracts
The active_contracts
dictionary is a mapping of contract IDs to their respective contract data.
The script processes created_event
s and exercised_event
s. A created_event
is added to the active_contracts
under its contract_id
If the exercised_event
is consuming, the contract is removed from the active_contracts
dictionary by contract_id
To build up an ACS snapshot for any record_time
, first
get a periodic snapshot using the /v0/state/acs
endpoint, store the ACS in a dictionary keyed by contract_id
and then process the updates from the timestamp of that snapshot via the /v1/updates
, adding
s to the dictionary under its contract_id
key and
remove the contract from the dictionary by contract_id
if exercised_event
s are consuming.