How to Bootstrap a Network

cometbft helm values

  1. disable state sync

-      enable: true
-      rpcServers: "..."
+      enable: false
  1. For the single sv config, you are now bootstraping a single sv so put your own keys in:

+    keyAddress: "..."
+    nodeId: "..."
+    publicKey: "..."

scan helm values

add 1 value:

+    isFirstSv: true

sv helm values

  1. remove joinWithKeyOnboarding

-    joinWithKeyOnboarding:
-      sponsorApiUrl:
  1. Add initial helm values You may use these number values or choose other ones

+    isDevNet: true
+    onboardingType: found-dso
+    // see note below about the rest of these:
+    initialSynchronizerFeesConfig:
+      baseRateBurstAmount: 400000
+      baseRateBurstWindowMins: 20
+      extraTrafficPrice: 16.670000000000002
+      minTopupAmount: 200000
+      readVsWriteScalingFactor: 4
+    onboardingFoundingSvRewardWeightBps: 10000

the note below if you plan to practice HDMs in this environment, initialSynchronizerFeesConfig and onboardingFoundingSvRewardWeightBps cannot be set when you are deploying in the phase with migrating=true. Your SV app will fail to become healthy otherwise

  1. You probably want to point decentralizedSynchronizerUrl at your own bootstrap node

-    decentralizedSynchronizerUrl:
+    decentralizedSynchronizerUrl:
+    // or you could try cluster DNS:
+    // decentralizedSynchronizerUrl: 'http://global-domain-0-sequencer:5008',

other helm values you may need to consider

  • in all the places you use TARGET_CLUSTER / TARGET_HOSTNAME, you’ll want to point to your network’s base domain

    • for example, we’re basing our network on, so we set:

      • targetCluster = hub-scratch

      • targetHostname =

  • if you use walletSweep, you probably won’t use it in this scratch environment unless you also plan to deploy a validator

Infra-level things you might want to consider

IP allowlist: just set it to our devnet VPNs:

allowlist_json_modified = merge(local.allowlist_json, {
 scratchnet : {
   vpns : {
     "Digital Asset" : local.allowlist_json["devnet"].vpns["Digital Asset"]
  • approved SV identities (which make their way into sv helm values): if you are deploying a single bootstraping node, you can set this to []

How to run through a HDM

  • if your network is size 1 all your votes go through immediately, so you can schedule a HDM for like 5 minutes in the future

    • New vote > Set DSO Rules Configuration > check “Set next scheduled domain upgrade”

  • then you should be able to just run through the process as normal