Validator Onboarding Process


There are three different networks: DevNet, TestNet and MainNet. If you are only interested in setting up a validator node, you can set up a node on DevNet for practice, then jump to MainNet. If you’d like to build, test, or deploy an app, we recommend that you run a node on DevNet, TestNet, and MainNet.


DevNet is open to any node but still requires the validator’s egress IP to be added to the allowlist maintained by the SV node operators. It gets reset every 3 months. DevNet always gets upgraded to new versions before TestNet and MainNet, so it is a good way to test upgrades of your node and their impact on your apps before they reach MainNet.


Joining TestNet requires that you have been approved to join MainNet by the Tokenomics Committee of the Global Synchronizer Foundation. You can initiate a request to do so through Just like for DevNet, is also still requires your validator’s egress IP to be added to the allowlist and it requires an onboarding secret from your SV. Just like DevNet, TestNet gets reset every 3-6 months, but the reset schedule is shifted so TestNet never gets reset at the same time as DevNet. TestNet upgrades to new versions after DevNet, but before MainNet so it provides an additional layer of testing. Application providers are encouraged to maintain long-running instances of their app on TestNet, which allows using TestNet to test composed applications.


MainNet requires everything TestNet requires, so approval by the Tokenomics committee, an IP on the allowlist, and an onboarding secret from your SV sponsor. MainNet never gets reset and is therefore the only network where data is always preserved. MainNet gets upgraded to new versions after DevNet and TestNet.

Onboarding Process Overview

Onboarding a Validator involves the following steps (for each network you want to join).

  1. Provide your sponsoring SV with the egress IP for your Validator node. Note that at this point this can also be accomplished by connecting your validator through a VPN run by an SV. This can be useful when trying to run a validator from a local laptop. This option may be removed in the future.

  2. Wait for super validators to adopt the new IP allowlist. This usually takes between 2-7 days.

  3. If you want to access the Canton Coin Scan Web UI from your laptop, you also need to ensure that you can connect to a VPN operated by one of the SVs. This is required as laptops usually do not have static IP addresses and the Scan web UI is not (yet) fully public. If you can use your validator egress IP also for browsing the web UI this is not necessary.

  4. Request an onboarding secret from your SV sponsor. On DevNet, you can do this yourself through an API call (refer to Deployment instructions for details). On TestNet and MainNet your SV sponsor needs to provide you with this manually. Note that onboarding secrets are only valid for 48 hours and are one-time use, and self-generated DevNet secrets are only valid for 1 hour. If it expired, you need to request a new one.

  5. Deploy your node either using docker compose or Kubernetes. Refer to the Deployment Options for information on how to choose between them and references to each of the two approaches. You will need to make sure that all IP traffic going from your validator to the SVs uses the egress IP you provided to your SV sponsor and you need to provide the onboarding secret.

Validating that your IP has been approved

To validate that the SVs have added you to their respective IP allowlists, you can query their Scan URLs. Note that this must be run from the same egress IP from which you want to deploy your validator, e.g., from the VM that you want to run your docker compose setup from or from within your Kubernetes cluster.

Note that the following snippet requires installing JQ.

for url in $(curl -sSL | jq -r '.scans | .[].scans | .[] | .publicUrl' ); do
  echo -n "$url: ";
  curl -sSL --connect-timeout 5 --fail-with-body $url/api/scan/version | jq -r '.version';

You should see output in the form shown below, where each line indicates one SV and the version it is on. If you see timeouts that SV has not yet added you to their allowlist, if you do not get any errors, then all SVs have added you. Note that the URLs and versions will vary over time so don’t try to compare exactly. 0.3.6 0.3.6 0.3.6 0.3.6 0.3.6 0.3.6 0.3.6 0.3.6 0.3.6 0.3.6

Apart from connectivity to Scan, your validator must also be able to connect to the sequencer endpoints of the SVs. If you are encountering issues related to connecting to the synchronizer, you can use the following snippet to confirm that you’re able to reach those endpoints (i.e., that SVs have whitelisted your IP for those endpoints as well). Note that the following snippet requires installing JQ and grpcurl.

for url in $(curl -sSL | jq -r '.domainSequencers | .[] | .sequencers.[].url | sub("https://"; "")' ); do
  echo -n "$url: ";
  grpcurl --max-time 10 $url:443;

Sequencers that are functional and have whitelisted your IP correctly will return status: SERVING in the grpcurl output. {
  "status": "SERVING"
} {
  "status": "SERVING"
} {
  "status": "SERVING"
} {
  "status": "SERVING"
} {
  "status": "SERVING"
} {
  "status": "SERVING"
} {
  "status": "SERVING"
} {
  "status": "SERVING"
} {
  "status": "SERVING"
} {
  "status": "SERVING"

Stay Connected

To stay connected with other validator operators, there is a shared slack channel and a few mailing lists:


Join the #validator-operations channel hosted by the Global Synchronizer Foundation using Slack Connect: Your Slack workspace may allow you to browse to this channel, or you can ask your SV sponsor to send you an invitation.

Mailing Lists

You can sign up for various mailing lists provided by the Global Synchronizer Foundation. To do so, first create an account at and then log in at We recommend the following lists:

  • main: for overall information about the Canton Network.

  • cip announce: for new Canton Improvement Proposals (CIPs)

  • tokenomics-announce: for announcements from the Tokenomics commitee. This also includes approval of new validators.

  • validator-announce: for other announcements intended for validator operators